Following a comment by Rev. Shirly Ludlow (nee Jakeman) to the Horace Banks Walk Through Aberford posting, Rev. Ludlow got in touch with this site and forwarded some further information about the Almshouses in the past.
Rev Ludlow's mother was 'Matron' of the Almshouses for 23 years, up until they were sold. The inhabitants lived rent and heating and lighting free. They received two loads of coal per year and 1 load of logs. The original rules for the inhabitants were never altered.

Photograph of original rules of the Almshouses
Rev. Ludlow's fathers family were Aberfordians, her Grandfather was one of the last Trustees of the Miners Welfare which included bowling green, tennis courts, recreation ground and pavilion, now covered by the houses - Beech View and also where the new almshouses were built. He was also the groundsman for the Cricker Club and her Grandmother was the organiser of the 'tea - tent' at the cricket club.

Article about the Almshouses from Yorkshire Life, August 1975